------------------------------------------------------------------- DoGEll software for ultrasound fetal head segmentation Public release ver. 1.0 (23 September 2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Tampere University of Technology. All rights reserved. This work should be used for nonprofit purposes only. Authors: Alessandro Foi Matteo Maggioni Antonietta Pepe Jussi Tohka DoGEll web page: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/dogell/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------- The package contains these files *) DoGEll.m : DoGEll algorithm implementation [1] *) zPad.m : Pads the image (preprocessing step) *) zUnPad.m : Removes image padding *) optimizeEllipseParam : [MEX file] Optimize ellipse parameter using Nelder-Mead simplex search *) evalEllipseFit.m : Compute cost function of ellipse fit (wrapper for evalCostFunction) *) evalCostFunction : [MEX file] Compute the cost function *) NelderMead.m : Optimized implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm (equivalent to Matlab fminsearch) *) generateEllipse.m : Generates ellipse images from ellipse parameters *) example.png : Example of ultrasound image of a fetal head (publicly available from http://radiopaedia.org/ under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip DoGEll.zip (contains codes) in a folder that is in the MATLAB path. Execute the script "DoGEll.m" to run the algorithm. The script assumes the presence of an ultrasound image set of heads. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) MS Windows 64 bit *) Matlab R2011a or later ------------------------------------------------------------------- Change log ------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 (23 September 2014) + initial version ------------------------------------------------------------------- References ------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] A. Foi, M. Maggioni, A. Pepe, S. Rueda, A. T. Papageorghiou, J. A. Noble, and J. Tohka, "Difference of Gaussians revolved along elliptical paths for ultrasound fetal head segmentation", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 774-784, December 2014. [2] S. Rueda, S. Fathima, C. Knight, M. Yaqub, A. Papageorghiou, B. Rahmatullah, A. Foi, M. Maggioni, A. Pepe, J. Tohka, R.V. Stebbing, J.E. McManigle, A. Ciurte, X. Bresson, M.B. Cuadra, C. Sun, G.V. Ponomarev, M.D. Gelfand, M.D. Kazanov, C. Wang, H. Chen, C. Hung, J.A. Noble, "Evaluation and Comparison of Current Fetal Ultrasound Image Segmentation Methods for Biometric Measurements: A Grand Challenge", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, vol. 33, no. 4, pp.797-813, Apr. 2013. [3] A. Foi, M. Maggioni, A. Pepe, J. Tohka, "Head Contour Extraction from Fetal Ultrasound Images by Difference of Gaussians Revolved Along Elliptical Paths", in Proc. of Challenge US: Biometric Measurements from Fetal Ultrasound Images ISBI, May 2012, Barcelona, Spain. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------- Any unauthorized use of these routines for industrial or profit- oriented activities is expressively prohibited. By downloading and/or using any of these files, you implicitly agree to all the terms of the TUT limited license, as specified in the document LEGAL_NOTICE.txt included in this package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Feedback ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any comment, suggestion, or question, please do contact Jussi Tohka < jussi.tohka _at_ tut.fi > Alessandro Foi < alessandro.foi _at_ tut.fi > Matteo Maggioni < matteo.maggioni _at_ tut.fi > Antonietta Pepe < antonietta.pepe _at_ tut.fi >