------------------------------------------------------------------ demo software for iterative Poisson image denoising Public release v1.0 (16 March 2016) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2016 Tampere University of Technology. All rights reserved. This work should be used only for nonprofit purposes. Authors: Lucio Azzari Alessandro Foi Web page: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/invansc/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation and requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------ This software is designed to run on *) MS Windows, Linux, or Mac OSX (32-bit or 64-bit CPU) *) Matlab v.7 or later It requires: * Exact unbiased inverse package "invansc" http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/invansc/ * BM3D denoising filter http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/ The demo script uses also: * Statistics Toolbox (to generate Poisson data "poissrnd"), * Image Processing Toolbox (only for visualization with "imshow"). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Content ------------------------------------------------------------------ demo_iterVSTpoisson.m demo script iterVSTpoisson.m main denoising function bin_B_h.m binning function debin_Binv_h.m debinning function Anscombe_lambda.mat precomputed expectation vectors and matrix for defining the exact unbiased inverse of noisy+estimate combinations paramsFromQfun.mat function handle to set parameters images_for_table_1 (folder) test images used for Table 1 of [1] images_for_table_2 (folder) test images used for Table 2 of [1] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] L. Azzari and A. Foi, "Variance Stabilization for Noisy+Estimate Combination in Iterative Poisson Denoising", submitted, March 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------ Any unauthorized use of these routines for industrial or profit- oriented activities is expressively prohibited. By downloading and/or using any of these files, you implicitly agree to all the terms of the TUT limited license: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/invansc/legal_notice.html