Preliminary version of the paper:


Single image super resolution (SISR) is an ill-posed problem aiming at estimating plausible high resolution (HR) image from a single low resolution (LR) image. Current state-of- the-art SISR methods are patch-based. They use either external data or internal self-similarity to learn a prior for a HR image. External data based methods utilize large number of patches from the training data, while self-similarity based approaches use a highly relevant matching patch from the input image as a prior. In this paper, we aim at combining the ideas from both paradigms, i.e. we learn a prior for a patch using a large number of patches collected from the input image. We show that this results in a strong prior. The performance of the proposed algorithm, which is based on iterative collaborative filtering with back-projection, is evaluated on a number of benchmark super- resolution image datasets. Without using any external data, the proposed approach outperforms the current non-CNN based methods on tested standard datasets for various scaling factors. On certain datasets a gain is over 1 dB compared to the recent method A+. For high sampling rates (x4 and higher) the proposed method performs similar to very recent state-of-the-art deep convolutional network-based approaches.


The following software is released under TUT limited license. It can only be used for non-profit education and scientific research. Any unauthorized use of the software for industrial or profit-oriented activities is expressively prohibited.


You can find the usage instructions enclosed.

The current software version is compatible with Matlab 2011a 64 bit, or more recent, for both Windows and Linux.


v1.0.0: Initial release.

v1.0.1: Update software release.

  • Add binary components compatible with Matlab R2011a;

  • Add binary components for Windows;

  • Add missing files in the testbench;

  • Minor bugfixes in the testbench.

v1.0.2: Update software release.

  • Make Linux binaries compatible with old glibc versions.

  • Add fallback psnr function for old Matlab releases.


This work is supported by the Academy of Finland, project no. 287150, 2015-2019, and European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020- MSCA-ITN-2014) under grant agreement no. 642685 MacSeNet.

The binary components GroupProcessor and BlockMatch present in the distribution were provided by the authors of BM3D.