
Computational audio content analysis

This glossary collects key terms from the field of computational audio content analysis. The original idea of this glossary was to provide Finnish translations for key terms in this field in order to stabilize the terminology. However, to make the list usable also for others than Finnish researchers, a brief English definition is added for each term with links to Wikipedia and Wiktionary. To make the list more accessible across other languages, some terms have been translated also into German, Spanish, and French through Wikipedia. The glossary does not try to be complete, as it is a work in progress.

Data file used to create this glossary is published as repository:

If you see an error, or you want to contribute, make a pull request to the repository or send me an email.

Special thanks to Tomasz Mąka for the Polish translations and Irene Martin Morato for the Spanish translations.

Dictionaries and glossaries from related fields:

Terms 586, Translations 475 128 138 259 120 , Updated 2024-04-26



The fraction of system output which was predicted correctly

See also: evaluation metric

German genauigkeit, exaktheit
Spain exactitud, precisión, acierto
Finland tarkkuus, harhattomuus
France précision, justesse, exactitude
Poland dokładność, precyzja

acoustic feature

See also: feature

Spain característica acústica
Finland akustinen piirre
Poland cecha akustyczna

acoustic model

in speech recognition system, model learned from acoustic data

Spain modelo acústico
Finland akustinen malli
Poland model akustyczny

acoustic monitoring

Finland akustinen valvonta

acoustic pattern recognition

Finland akustinen hahmontunnistus

acoustic scene

Spain escena acústica
Poland scena akustyczna

acoustic scene analysis

Finland äänimaiseman analyysi


German akustik
Spain acústica
Finland akustiikka
France acoustique

activation function

in neural network, a function to define the output of a neuron

Spain Función de activación
Finland aktivaatiofunktio, aktivointifunktio
France Fonction d'activation
Poland funkcja aktywacji

active learning

a learning technique where algorithm selects the data it learns from

Spain aprendizaje activo
Finland aktiivinen oppiminen
Poland aktywne uczenie

additive model

Finland additiivinen malli, summautuva malli

additive noise

Spain ruido aditivo
Finland lisätty kohina

agglomerative hierarchical clustering

Finland kokoava hierarkkinen ryhmittely


German aggregation
Spain agregación
Finland yhdistäminen, aggregointi
France agrégation
Poland agregacja


German algorithmus
Spain algoritmo
Finland algoritmi
France algorithme


German alias-effekt
Spain aliasing
Finland laskostuminen
France repliement de spectre

Amazon mechanical turk (AMT)

crowdsourcing marketplace enabling the use of human intelligence to perform tasks


adding metadata to audio

Spain anotación
Finland annotointi
Poland adnotacja, przypis

annotation granularity


Spain anotador
Finland annotaattori

anomalous sound detection

Finland epätavallisten äänten tunnistus, poikkeavien äänten tunnistus

area under the curve (AUC)

in binary classification, an evaluation metric to considers all classification thresholds

See also: reciever operating characteristic curve

Spain área bajo la curva
Finland käyrän-alainen pinta-ala, luokittelijan havintojen erottelukyky
Poland pole pod krzywą

artifical general intelligence (AGI)

See also: strong artificial intelligence, full artificial intelligence

German künstliche allgemeine intelligenz
Spain inteligencia artificial fuerte
Finland yleinen tekoäly
France intelligence artificielle forte

artificial intelligence (AI)

an ability to have machines act with apparent intelligence

German künstliche intelligenz
Spain inteligencia artificial
Finland tekoäly
France intelligence artificielle
Poland sztuczna inteligencja

artificial neural network

See also: neural network

Finland keinotekoinen neuroverkko

assisted living

a housing facility for people with disabilities or for adults who cannot or choose not to live independently

German betreutes Wohnen
Finland tuettu asuminen
Poland mieszkalnictwo wspomagane


Finland tarkkaavaisuus

attention mechanism

See also: attention

Finland tarkkaavaisuusmekanismi


Finland ominaisuus, piirre


Finland auditointi

audio analysis

Spain análisis auditivo
Finland äänen analyysi

audio caption

audio captioning

See also: automated audio captioning

Finland äänten kuvailu

audio classification

See also: classification

Spain clasificación acústica, clasificación del audio
Finland äänimateriaalien luokittelu
Poland klasyfikacja akustyczna

audio dataset

a collection of audio examples used for system development

Finland audiotietokanta

audio retrieval

Finland äänihaku

audio signal processing

Spain procesado de señal acústico
Finland audiosignaalin käsittely
Poland przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych

audio source separation

Spain separación de fuentes sonoras
Finland äänilähteiden separointi

audio tagging

audio-visual, audiovisual

German audiovision
Spain audiovisual
Finland audiovisuaalinen
France audiovisuel

audiovisual data

Finland audiovisuaalinen data


relating to hearing

Spain auditivo
Finland kuulonmukainen, kuuloon liittyvä, kuulo-
Poland audytywny, słuchowy

auditory event

Subjective perception of sound

See also: auditory scene

German hörereignis
Spain evento auditivo
Finland kuulotapahtuma
France Audition humaine

auditory scene

Finland kuulomaisema

auditory scene analysis (ASA)

a model proposed by Albert Bregman for the basis of auditory perception

Spain análisis de escenas auditivas
Finland kuulomaisema-analyysi, kuulema-analyysi

augmented intelligence

Spain inteligencia aumentada
Finland apuäly


German auralisation
Finland auralisaatio, auralisointi
France auralisation

automated audio captioning (AAC)


background noise

Spain ruido de fondo
Finland taustamelu, taustakohina
Poland szum tła

backpropagation, backprop

method used in neural networks to calculate gradient descent

Spain propagación hacia atrás
Finland vastavirta, takaisinvirtaus, takaisinlevitys
France rétropropagation du gradient

backpropagation algorithm

Finland vastavirta-algoritmi

bag of frames

representing frames without taking into account their order

balanced accuracy (BACC)

Finland tasapainoinen tarkkuus, tasapainoinen harhattomuus


Finland lähtötaso, perustaso

baseline system

system used as reference point for comparing how well currently developed system is performing


in neural network training, a set of examples used in one iteration for model training

Finland ryhmä, erä

batch normalization (BN)

a technique for improving the performance and stability of neural networks

See also: deep neural network, neural network, batch

Finland ryhmänormalisointi, eränormalisointi


technique used in sensor arrays for directional signal reception or transmission

Spain conformación de haces
Finland keilanmuodostus
Poland kształtowanie wiązki

belief network

Finland uskomusverkko


Finland vakiotermi, vinouma, harha, systemaattinen virhe

big data

Spain macrodatos
Finland massadata, iso data, suuraineisto, suurdata
France mégadonnées


an ordered sequence of two items

See also: N-gram

Spain bigrama

binary classification

a type of classification which outputs one of two mutually exclusive classes

Spain clasificación binaria
Finland binäärinen luokittelu, luokittelu kahteen luokkaan
Poland klasyfikacja binarna

binary mask

Finland binäärinen maski


related to two ears

Finland binauraalinen, kaksikorvainen
Poland obuuszny, dwuuszny


cross-disciplinary science that combines biology and acoustics

German bioakustik
Spain bioacústica
Finland bioakustiikka
France bioacoustique
Poland bioakustyka

block mixing

data augmentation technique

See also: data augmentation


a machine learning technique which iteratively combines weak classifiers into a classifier with higher accuracy

Finland oppimisen kiihdyttäminen

Systematically going through all possible candidate solutions for the problem

See also: exhaustive search

German brute-force-methode
Spain Búsqueda por fuerza bruta
Finland raakavoimahaku
France Recherche exhaustive



a group to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria

Spain categoría
Finland luokka, kategoria
Poland kategoria


France cepstre

class label

Finland luokkatunnus


identification of which categories an item belong

German klassifizierung
Spain clasificación
Finland luokittelu, luokitus
France classement, classification

classification error

Finland luokitteluvirhe

classification model

See also: model, classification

classification of events, activities and relationships (CLEAR)

evaluation campaign organized on 2006 and 2007

classification threshold

See also: classification


See also: classification

Spain clasificador
Finland luokittelija, luokitin
Poland klasyfikator

closed set

Finland suljettu joukko

closed set classification


See also: cluster analysis

German cluster, klumpen, geschlossene erfassungsgruppe
Spain conglomerado
Finland ryhmä, ryväs, klusteri
France grappe, conglomérat

cluster analysis

Finland ryhmittelyanalyysi


grouping related examples together

German verklumpung, verklumpend, in klumpen auftretend
Spain clasificación
Finland ryvästys, ryhmittely, ryhmittelyanalyysi, klusterointi, ryvästäminen
France classification, classement
Poland analiza skupień

cognitive modeling

Spain modelo cognitivo
Finland kognitiivinen mallinnus
Poland modelowanie kognitywne

collaborative learning

See also: federated learning

Finland yhteisöllinen oppiminen
France apprentissage collaboratif

computational audio content analysis

See also: content analysis

Finland äänen laskennallinen sisältöanalyysi

computational auditory scene analysis (CASA)

Finland laskennallinen kuulomaisema-analyysi, laskennallinen kuulema-analyysi

computational linguistics

an interdisciplinary field concerned with the statistical or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective

Finland tietokonelingvistiikka

computational modeling

Finland laskennallinen mallinnus

computer audition (CA)

field of study of algorithms and systems for audio understanding by machine

Spain audición por computadora

confidence interval (CI)

interval estimate computed from the statistics of the observed data, that might contain the true value of an unknown population parameter

German konfidenzintervall, vertrauensintervall
Spain intervalo de confianza
Finland luottamusväli, yhteensopivuusväli
France intervalle de confiance

confusion matrix

an NxN table to summarize classification performance (predicted class versus actual class)

Spain matriz de confusión
Finland sekaannusmatriisi, luokittelutaulukko
France matrice de confusion

connectionist temporal classification (CTC)

constant-Q cepstral coefficients (CQCC)

constant-Q transform (CQT)

content analysis

German inhaltsanalyse
Spain análisis de contenidos
Finland sisältöanalyysi
France analyse de contenu
Poland analiza treści


Spain contexto
Finland ympäristö


context vector

Finland kontekstivektori


mathematical operation of two functions to produce a third function that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other

German faltung
Spain convolución
Finland konvoluutio
France convolution, produit de composition
Poland splot

convolution kernel

Finland konvoluutiokerneli

convolutional neural network (CNN)

a neural network with convolutional layers along with pooling and fully connected layers

See also: neural network, deep neural network

Spain redes neuronales convolucionales
Finland konvoluutioverkko, konvoluutio neuroverkko
France réseau neuronal convolutif

convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN)


Finland kokoelma, aineisto, korpus
Poland korpus, zbiór

cost function

See also: lost function

Finland virhefunktio

critical band

the frequency bandwidth of the "auditory filter" created by the cochlea

German frequenzgruppe
Spain bandas críticas
Finland kriittinen kaista, kriittinen kaistanleveys
Poland pasmo krytyczne


Finland ristihuomio


German kreuzentropie
Spain entropía cruzada
Finland ristientropia
France entropie croisée


a method for estimating generalization of a system for new data by reserving a subset of dataset only for testing

German kreuzvalidierung, kreuzvalidierungsverfahren
Spain validación cruzada
Finland ristiinvalidointi, ristivalidointi
France validation croisée
Poland kroswalidacja, sprawdzian krzyżowy


Finland joukkoistaminen, talkoistaminen



Finland data, havaintoaineisto

data acquisition

German datenerfassung
Spain Adquisición de datos
France Chaîne d'acquisition

data augmentation

artificially increasing the number of training examples

Finland aineiston täydennys, datan laajennus, datalaajennus

data mining

Spain minería de datos
Finland tiedonlouhinta, tiedonrikastus
France exploration de données

data post-processing

See also: data preprocessing

Finland datan jälkikäsittely, aineiston jälkikäsittely

data preprocessing

See also: data post-processing

Finland datan esikäsittely, aineiston esikäsittely


Finland tietoaineisto

decision boundary

learned separating boundary between classes

Finland päätösraja, päätöspinta

decision function

Finland päätössääntö, päätösfunktio

decision tree

a learning method using tree-like decision graph

Spain árbol de decisión
Finland päätöspuu
Poland drzewo decyzyjne


Finland korrelaatiopuhdistettu, korrelaatiosta puhdistettu

deep belief network (DBN)

Spain red de creencia profunda
Finland syvän uskon verkko, syvä uskomusverkko

deep learning (DL)

a multi-level algorithm that gradually identifies things at higher levels of abstraction

Spain aprendizaje profundo
Finland syväoppiminen

deep machine learning (DML)

See also: deep learning

deep neural network (DNN)

neural network containing multiple hidden layers

Finland syvä neuroverkosto, syvä neuroverkko


Finland kohinanpoisto


Spain detección
Finland havaitseminen, ilmaiseminen, ilmaisu, löytäminen
Poland detekcja, wykrywanie, odkrywanie

detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events (DCASE)

detection error tradeoff (DET)

Plot of the false rejection rate versus false acceptance rate for classification systems

Finland virheiden kompromissi


Spain determinístico
Finland deterministinen
Poland deterministyczny

diarization error rate (DER)


Spain dimensionalidad
Finland ulotteisuus

direction of arrival (DOA)

Spain dirección de llegada
Finland äänen tulosuunta

direction of arrival estimation (DOAE)

discrete cosine transform (DCT)

Transform to represent data points with a sum of cosine functions

German diskrete kosinustransformation
Spain transformada de coseno discreta
Finland diskreetti kosinimuunnos
France transformée en cosinus discrète

discrete-time Fourier transform (DFT)

German fouriertransformation für zeitdiskrete Signale
Spain transformada discreta de Fourier

discriminant analysis

German diskriminanzanalyse, trennanalyse
Spain análisis discriminante, análisis discriminativo
Finland erotteluanalyysi
France analyse discriminante
Poland analiza dyskryminacyjna

discriminative learning

modeling the dependence of a target variable y on an observed variable x

See also: generative learning

disentangled representation

disentangled representation learning


See also: similarity

German dissimilarität, unähnlichkeit
Spain disimilitud, diferencia, desemejanza
Finland erilaisuus, erilaisuusmitta
France dissimilitude

distance measure

Finland etäisyysmitta


Finland osajoukko

domain adaptation

machine learning field to deal with cases in which a model trained on source distribution is used on different target distribution

Spain adaptación de dominio
Finland kohdesopeutus
France Adaptation de domaine

domain generalization

domain shift

downmixing, down-mixing

mixing audio channels together

downstream task


Finland kesto

dynamic range

German dynamikumfang
Spain rango dinámico
Finland dynamiikka-alue, dynamiikka
France gamme dynamique
Poland zakres dynamiczny


early fusion

features from multiple sources are combined into a single feature set before feeding to a classifier.

See also: feature level fusion

edge AI

Utilizing artificial intelligence in an edge-computing environment.

See also: edge computing

Finland reuna AI

edge computing

Finland reunalaskenta


a low-dimensional space into which high-dimensional vectors can be translated

See also: word embedding

Finland upotus, embedointi


Spain empírico
Finland kokemusperäinen, empiirinen
France empirical


predictions of multiple models merged together

See also: ensemble learning

Finland kokoelma, kokoonpano

ensemble learning

use multiple learning algorithms to obtain better predictive performance than any of the constituent learning algorithms alone

France apprentissage ensembliste

envelope function

Finland verhofunktio


while traning neural networks, one pass of the full training set

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Finland opetuskierros
Poland epoka

equal error rate (EER)

error rate

Finland virhetaajuus, vikataajuus, virhesuhde

Euclidean distance

German euklidischer abstand
Spain distancia euclidiana
Finland euklidinen etäisyys

evaluation metric

event-based metric

See also: evaluation metric

Finland tapahtumapohjainen metriikka

event offset

event onset

everyday environment

everyday listening

the interpretation of the sound in terms of its source

See also: brute-force search

Finland tyhjentävä haku

expectation maximization (EM)

an iterative method to find maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimates of parameters in statistical models

German EM-algorithmus
Spain algoritmo esperanza-maximización
Finland odotusarvon maksimointi, EM-algoritmi
France algorithme espérance-maximisation


Finland koe

experimental design

Finland koeasetelma


F-score, f1-score

an evaluation metric to take into account both the precision and the recall

See also: evaluation metric

Spain Valor-F
Finland F-mitta

false negative (FN)

an example wrongly predicted as negative class

German falsch negativ
Spain falso negativo
Finland väärä negatiivinen, negatiivisten tapausten virhe
France faux négatif

false positive (FP)

an example wrongly predicted as positive class

German falsch positiv
Spain falso positivo
Finland väärä positiivinen, positiivisten tapausten virhe
France faux positif

fast Fourier transform (FFT)

German schnelle Fourier-Transformation
Spain Transformada rápida de Fourier
Finland nopea Fourier-muunnos
France transformée de Fourier rapide
Poland szybka transformata Fouriera


a measurable property of the acoustic signal

See also: acoustic feature

Spain característica
Finland piirre
Poland cecha, atrybut

feature engineering

using domain knowledge of the data to manually create suitable features for machine learning

See also: feature learning

feature extraction

Spain extracción de características
Finland piirreirroitus, piirteistys
France extraction de caractéristique
Poland ekstrakcja cech

feature learning

automatically discover needed representations

See also: feature engineering

Spain aprendizaje de características
Finland ominaisuusoppiminen, ominaisuuksien oppiminen

feature level fusion

features from multiple sources are combined into a single feature set before feeding to a classifier.

See also: early fusion

feature selection

Spain selección de características
Finland piirrevalinta
France sélection de caractéristique
Poland wybór cech

federated learning

machine learning technique to train a model across multiple devices without sharing local data examples

See also: collaborative learning

German föderales lernen
Spain Aprendizaje federado
Finland hajautettu oppiminen
France Apprentissage fédéré

feed forward network

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain red neuronal prealimentada
Finland eteenpäin kytketty verkko
France réseau de neurones à action directe


Finland takaisinsyöttö, takaisinkytkentä


Finland myötäkytkentä

feedforward neural network (FNN)

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain red neuronal prealimentada
Finland eteenpäin syöttävä hermoverkko
France réseau de neurones à propagation avant

few-shot learning

See also: one-shot learning


German filter
Spain filtro
Finland suodin, suodatin
France filtre
Poland filtr

filter bank

an array of band-pass filters

Spain banco de filtros, banco de filtros híbrido
Finland suodinpankki
Poland bank filtrów


Reproduction of everyday sounds in filmmaking


classification based on user's tags

Spain folcsonomía
Finland folksonomia
France folksonomie


German rahmen, auswahlgrundlage
Spain marco
Finland kehys
France base de sondage
Poland ramka

frame blocking

See also: frame

frame stacking

free field

Finland vapaa kenttä

frequency domain

See also: time domain

German frequenzbereich
Spain dominio de frecuencia
Finland taajuusalue
France domaine de fréquence
Poland dziedzina częstotliwości

frequency resolution

Spain resolución frecuencial
Finland taajuusresoluutio, taajuuserottelutarkkuus
Poland rozdzielczość częstotliwościowa

full artificial intelligence (Full AI)

fully connected layer

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Finland täysin kytketty kerros

fundamental frequency

Spain frecuencia fundamental
Finland perustaajuus

fuzzy logic

German fuzzylogik
Spain lógica difusa
Finland sumea logiikka
France logique floue


gammatone feature cepstral coefficients (GFCC)

gammatone filter

gated recurrent unit (GRU)

Gaussian mixture model (GMM)

See also: mixture model

Spain modelo de mezcla gaussiana
Finland Gaussinen sekoitemalli, Gaussin sekoitemalli

generalisation, generalization

model's ability to predict correctly on data not used for training the model

Spain generalización
Finland yleistäminen, yleistys

generative adversarial network (GAN)

technique where a generator generates data candidates and a discriminator evaluates them.

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain redes neuronales generativas adversarias
Finland generatiivinen kilpaileva verkko

generative learning

See also: discriminative learning

Finland generatiivinen oppiminen

gradient descent

German gradientenverfahren
Spain descenso del gradiente
Finland gradienttimenetelmä
France algorithme du gradient

ground truth


hand-crafted feature

using domain knowledge of the data to manually create suitable features for machine learning

See also: feature engineering


Spain armónico
Finland harmoninen
Poland harmoniczny
Spain función de transferencia relacionada con la cabeza
Finland pään siirtofunktio


Finland heterogeeninen, sekakoosteinen

heterogeneous dataset

Finland epäyhtenäinen tietoaineisto, sekalainen tietoaineisto, sekakoosteinen tietoaineisto


a practical and suboptimial solution

German heuristik
Spain Heurística
Finland heuristinen

hidden layer

in neural network, layer between the input layer and the output layer

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain capa oculta
Finland piilokerros
Poland warstwa ukryta

hidden Markov model (HMM)

German verborgenes Markow-modell, verdecktes Markow-modell
Spain modelo oculto de Márkov, modelo de Markov ocultado
Finland kätketty Markovin malli, Markovin piilomalli, piilo-Markov-malli
France modèle de Markov caché, modèle caché de Markov
Poland ukryte modele Markowa

hierarchical classification

German hierarchische klassifikation, geschachtelte klassifikation
Spain clasificación jerárquica
Finland hierarkkinen luokittelu, sisäkkäinen luokittelu
France classification hiérarchique
Poland klasyfikacja hierarchiczna

histogram of oriented gradients (HOG)

France histogramme de gradient orienté

holdout data

examples which are only used for testing the system's performance

See also: cross-validation


Finland homogeeninen, tasakoosteinen


in machine learning, a variable which is set before the learning process starts

See also: parameter

Finland hyperparametri


Finland hyponyymi, alakäsite




Spain implementación
Finland toteutus
Poland implementacja

impulse response

German impulsantwort
Spain Respuesta a impulso, respuesta impulsional
Finland impulssivaste
Poland odpowiedź impulsowa

independent component analysis (ICA)

German unabhängigkeitsanalyse
Spain análisis de componentes independientes
Finland riippumattomien komponenttien analyysi
France analyse en composantes indépendantes


Spain indexar
Finland indeksointi


Finland päättely

information retrieval

Finland tiedonhaku
Poland wyszukiwanie informacji, pozyskiwanie informacji


Spain entrada
Finland sisäänmeno, syöte, tulo, otto

input layer

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Finland syötekerros, sisääntulokerros
Poland warstwa wejściowa

inter-annotator agreement

a measurement of how well human annotators agree while annotation task

Finland annotoijien yksimielisyys

interclass correlation

German korrelation zwischen den klassen
Spain correlación interclase
Finland luokkien välinen korrelaatio
France corrélation entre classes, corrélation interclasses

intermediate statistics

intraclass correlation

German korrelation innerhalb der klassen
Spain correlación intraclase
Finland sisäkorrelaatio, luokkiensisäinen korrelaatio
France corrélation interne, corrélation intraclasse

inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT)

Spain transformada inversa de Fourier
Poland odwrotna transformata Fouriera


jackknife estimator

Finland linkkuveitsiestimaattori, jackknife-estimaattori

jackknife method

Finland linkkuveitsimenetelmä


Spain fluctuación del retardo
Finland värinä
Poland drżenie, rozsynchronizowanie


k-fold cross-validation

See also: cross-validation

Finland k-kertainen ristiinvalidointi, k-ositettu ristiinvalidointi

k-nearest-neighbor (kNN)

See also: nearest neighbor

Finland k:n lähimmän naapurin menetelmä


Spain núcleo
Finland ydin
Poland jądro


Spain conocimiento
Finland tietämys
Poland wiedza

Kullback–Leibler divergence

German Kullback-Leibler-divergenz
Spain divergencia de Kullback-Leibler
Finland Kullbackin–Leiblerin poikkeama
France divergence de Kullback-Leibler


labeled data

Finland nimiöity data

labeled example

an example with audio and assigned category label


Spain etiquetado
Finland nimikointi

language acquisition

German spracherwerb
Spain adquisición del lenguaje, desarrollo del lenguaje
Finland kielenoppiminen
France acquisition du langage

language-based audio retrieval

See also: audio retrieval

language model

German sprachmodell
Spain modelación del lenguaje
Finland kielimalli
France modèle de langage

language-queried audio source separation

late fusion

Combaning outputs from multiple classifiers.

latent variable

Finland piilomuuttuja


in neural network, a set of neurons

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain capa
Finland kerros
Poland warstwa


a board showing the ranking of participant in a competition

Finland tulostaulukko

learning rate

a hyperparameter to control the size of the learning step, gradient step

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Spain ration de aprendizaje
Finland oppimisnopeus

leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV)

Finland yksi-pois-ristiinvalidointi, yksittäisristiinvalidointi


German likelihood
Spain verosimilitud
Finland uskottavuus
France vraisemblance
Poland prawdopodobieństwo

likelihood ratio

Finland uskottavuusosamäärä

likelihood ratio test

German likelihood-verhältnistest
Spain prueba de relación de verosimilitud, razón de verosimilitud
Finland uskottavuusosamäärätesti
France test du rapport des vraisemblances

linear discriminant analysis (LDA)

Finland lineaarinen erottelukyky analyysi

linear prediction

a mathematical operation to estimate future values as a linear function of previous values

German lineare vorhersage
Spain predicción lineal
Finland lineaariprediktio, lineaarinen ennustus, lineaarinen ennustaminen
Poland predykcja liniowa

linear prediction cepstral coefficients (LPCC)

linear regression

German lineare regression
Spain regresión lineal
Finland lineearinen regressio
France régression linéaire

local binary patterns (LBP)

France motif binaire local


Spain localización
Finland paikannus, paikantaminen, lokalisaatio
Poland lokalizacja


Finland logiritminen uskottavuus, log-uskottavuus

logistic regression

statistical model to use logistic function to model a binary dependent variable

German logistische regression
Spain Regresión logística
Finland logistinen regressio
France Régression logistique

long short-term memory (LSTM)

See also: deep neural network, neural network

German langes kurzzeitgedächtnis
Finland pitkän ja lyhyen aikavälin muistiverkko, pitkä lyhytkestomuisti

loss function

a function to measure how far prediction are from its label

See also: cost function

German verlustfunktion
Spain función de pérdida
Finland tappiofunktio
France fonction de perte


German lautheit
Spain Sonoridad
Finland äänekkyys
France Sonie
Poland głośność

loudness level

Spain nivel de sonoridad
Finland äänekkyystaso

low-complexity model

Finland matalan kompleksisuuden malli


machine learning (ML)

field of artificial intelligence that uses statistical techniques to give computer systems the ability to "learn" from data, without being explicitly programmed

German maschinelles lernen
Spain aprendizaje automático
Finland koneoppiminen
France apprentissage automatique
Poland uczenie maszynowe

machine learning operations (MLOps)

Finland koneoppimistoiminnot

machine listening

field of study of algorithms and systems for audio understanding by machine

Finland konekuulo
Poland słyszenie maszynowe

machine-to-machine interaction


See also: evaluation metric

Finland makrokeskiarvoistaminen

magnitude response

Spain respuesta de magnitud
Finland magnitudivaste

majority voting

Poland głosowanie większościowe

masked multi-head attention

See also: attention mechanism, multi-head attention

Finland verhottu monipäinen tarkkaavaisuus

maximum a posteriori estimator (MAP estimator)

Finland suurimman posterioritiheyden estimaattori, MAP-estimaattori

maximum likelihood estimator (MLE)

German maximum-likelihood-schätzer, ML-schätzer
Spain estimador máxima verosímilitud
Finland suurimman uskottavuuden estimaattori, SU-estimaattori
France estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance

mean absolute error (MAE)

German mittlerer absoluter fehler
Spain error absoluto medio
Finland keski-itseisvirhe

mean square error (MSE)

See also: root mean square error

German mittleres fehlerquadrat
Spain error cuadrático medio
Finland keskineliövirhe, keskimääräinen neliövirhe, keskineliöpoikkeama
France erreur quadratique moyenne
Poland błąd średniokwadratowy

mean squared error (MSE)

German mittlere quadratische abweichung
Spain error cuadrático medio
Finland keskineliösumma
France erreur quadratique moyenne

mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs)

German mel-frequenz-cepstrum-koeffizienten
Spain coeficientes cepstrales en las frecuencias de mel
Finland mel-kepstrikertoimet, mel-taajuus kepstrikertoimet

mel scale

non-linear perceptual frequency scale where listners judge frequencies to be equal in distance from one another.

Spain Escala de Mel
Finland mel-asteikko
France Échelle des mels

mel-scaled spectrogram

meta learning

Spain Metaaprendizaje
Finland meta-oppiminen


Finland taustatieto, metatieto, metadata


See also: evaluation metric

Finland mikrokeskiarvoistaminen


See also: batch

Finland pienerä


German fehlklassifikation
Spain clasificación errónea
Finland luokitteluvirhe, väärinluokittelu
France classification fausse

missing label

mixture model

See also: Gaussian mixture model

Finland sekoitemalli
Poland model mieszany

mixture signal

Finland modaalinen, modaali-, moodi-



in machine learning system, a parameter set learned from the training data

Spain modelo
Finland malli
Poland model

model selection

a task of selecting a model from a set of candidate models based on data

Spain selección del modelo
Finland mallin valinta
Poland wybór modelu


Finland mallintaminen, mallinnus


related to one ears

Finland yksikorvainen


Spain monitorizar
Finland monitorointi, valvonta, tarkkailu, seuranta


See also: monophonic

German monophonie
Spain sonido monoaural
Finland monoääni, yksikanavainen
France monophonique


See also: monoaural

Finland monofooninen, yksikanavainen


multi-class classification

classification type where prediction is done between three or more classes

Spain classificación multiclase
Finland moniluokkainen luokittelu

multi-condition training

multi-head attention

See also: attention mechanism

Finland monipäinen tarkkaavaisuus

multi-label classification

classification type where multiple class labels may be assigned to each instance

See also: single-label classification

multi-task learning

approach where multiple learning tasks are solved at the same time

Spain aprendizaje multi-tarea
Finland monitehtäväoppiminen, monen tehtävän oppiminen

multichannel, multiple channel

See also: single-channel

Spain multicanal, multiples canales
Finland monikanavainen, monikanava-

multiclass classification

Finland luokittelu moneen luokkaan
France classification en classes multiples

multilayer perceptron (MLP)

See also: neural network, deep neural network

German mehrlagiges perzeptron
Spain perceptrón multicapa
Finland monikerroksinen perseptroniverkko
France perceptron multicouche
Poland perceptron wielowarstwowy


Finland multimodaalinen

multiple kernel learning (MKL)

machine learning method to use a predefined set of kernels and learn optimal combination of these kernels

music information retrieval (MIR)

interdisciplinary science of retrieving information from music

Spain recuperación de información musical
Finland musiikkitiedonhaku



an ordered sequence of N items

See also: bigram, trigram

naive Bayesian classification

Finland naiivi bayesilainen luokittelu
Poland naiwna klasyfikacja bayesowska

naive listener

Finland kokematon koehenkilö


Spain banda estrecha
Finland kapeakaistainen, kapeakaista-
Poland wąskopasmowy

natural language processing (NLP)

German computerlinguistik
Spain procesamiento de lenguajes naturales
Finland luonnollisen kielen käsittely
France traitement automatique des langues

near field

Spain campo cercano
Finland lähikenttä

nearest neighbor

See also: k-nearest-neighbor

Spain vecino más próximo
Finland lähin naapuri
France recherche des plus proches voisins

neural network (NN)

network of (artificial) neurons

German neuronales netzwerk
Spain red neuronal
Finland neuroverkosto, neuroverkko, hermoverkko
France réseau de neurones
Poland sieć neuronowa


a node in a neural network taking in multiple values and generating single value as an output

Spain neurona
Finland neuroni
Poland neuron


German geräusch
Spain Ruido
Finland kohina, melu, häly, häiriö
Poland szum, hałas

noise suppression

Spain supresión del ruido
Finland kohinanvaimennus

noisy label

non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)

Spain factorización no negativa de matrices
Finland ei-negatiivinen matriisin faktorointi
Poland nieujemna faktoryzacja macierzy

nonlinear, non-linear

Finland epälineaarinen
Poland nieliniowy

normal distribution

German normalverteilung
Spain distribución normal
Finland normaalijakauma
France distribution normale
Poland rozkład normalny


converting values into standard range of values

Spain normalización
Finland normalisaatio
Poland normalizacja

null hypothesis

general statement that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena

German nullhypothese
Spain hipótesis nula, hipótesis de nulidad
Finland nollahypoteesi
France hypothèse nulle, hypothèse zéro
Poland hipoteza zerowa



a metric the algorithm tries to optimize

Spain objetivo
Finland tavoite, päämäärä

one-hot encoding

representing categorical variables as binary vectors so that only single element is set to one

one-shot learning

machine learning approach where aim is to learn from a single training example


a structure of concepts or entities within a domain which are organized by relationships

German ontologie
Spain ontología
Finland ontologia
France ontologie
Poland ontologia

open data

Spain datos abiertos
Finland avoin data, avodata
France données ouvertes

open set

Finland avoin joukko

open set classification


Finland optimointi


in neural network, an implementation of gradient descent algorithm

Spain optimizador
Finland optimoija

order of magnitude

Finland suuruusluokka


observation points that are distant from other observations

German ausreißer
Spain valores extremos, valores atípicos, elemento raro
Finland poikkeavat havainnot, vieraat havainnot, ulkopuoliset havainnot
France valeurs aberrantes, observations aberrantes
Poland wartości odstające


See also: input

Spain salida
Finland ulostulo, lähtö, anto, tuloste

output layer

last layer of a neural network outputting predictions

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Finland vastekerros, ulostulokerros
Poland warstwa wyjściowa


a model that models the training data too closely and fails to predict correcly on new data

See also: underfitting

German überanpassung
Spain sobreajuste
Finland ylisovittaminen, ylisovittuminen, liikasovitus
France surapprentissage
Poland przeuczenie, przetrenowanie



Finland paralingvistiikka


Spain paralelo
Finland rinnakkainen, rinnakkais-
Poland równoległy


in machine learning, a variable which is adjusted during the learning process

See also: hyperparameter

Finland parametri


Finland parametrointi


Finland jäsentäminen

part of speech (POS)

See also: part-of-speech tagging

German wortart
Spain categoría gramatical
Finland sanaluokka
France nature
Poland część mowy

part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging)

the process of marking up a word in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech

See also: part of speech

German part-of-speech-Tagging
Spain etiquetado gramatical
Finland sanaluokan merkitseminen
France étiquetage morpho-syntaxique


Spain patrón
Finland hahmo

pattern recognition

German mustererkennung
Spain reconocimiento de formas, reconocimiento de patrones
Finland hahmontunnistus
France identification des signes, reconnaissance des formes
Poland rozpoznawanie wzorca


German wahrnehmung
Spain percepción
Finland havainto, havaitseminen
Poland percepcja


an algorithm which takes multiple input values, runs a function on the weighted sum of the inputs and computes a single output value

Finland päättelin, perseptroni


See also: perception

Spain perceptual
Finland havainnonmukainen

perceptual spread


in machine learning, refers to the goodness of the model's predictions

Spain rendimiento
Finland suorituskyky

pilot study

Finland esitutkimus, pilotti


German tonhöhe
Spain altura
Finland äänenkorkeus, sävelkorkeus
Poland wysokość dźwięku

pitch shifting

See also: pitch

German tonhöhenänderung
Finland äänenkorkeuden muuttaminen

polyphonic annotation


in neural network, reducing matrix into a smaller matrix

See also: deep neural network, neural network

Finland kokooma, keräys

posterior probability

German a-posteriori-Wahrscheinlichkeit
Spain Probabilidad a posteriori
Finland posteriori todennäköisyys
Poland prawdopodobieństwo a posteriori

pre-trained model

a model which has been already trained

Spain modelo pre-entrenado
Finland esiopetettu malli


a measure how often prediction is correct when predicting the positive class

See also: recall, F-score, evaluation metric

German präzision
Spain precisión
Finland tarkkuus, täsmällisyys, toistotarkkuus
France précision, reproducibilité


system's output for the input example

Spain predicción
Finland ennustaminen, ennuste

prediction error

Finland ennustevirhe
Poland błąd predykcji

principal component analysis (PCA)

a statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components

German hauptkomponentenanalyse
Spain análisis de componentes principales
Finland pääkomponenttianalyysi

prior distribution

Finland priorijakauma

prior probability, a priori probability

See also: prior distribution

German prior-wahrscheinlichkeit, a-priori-wahrscheinlichkeit
Spain probabilidad a priori, apuestas a priori
Finland prioritodennäköisyys
France probabilité a priori


Finland todennäköisyys

probability measure

Finland todennäköisyysmitta

prototypical network


Finland karsinta


the scientific study of sound perception and audiology

German psychoakustik
Spain psicoacústica
Finland psykoakustiikka
France psychoacoustique
Poland psychoakustyka


quantization, quantizing

German quantisierung
Spain cuantificación digital
Finland kvantisointi
France quantification
Poland kwantyzacja


random effect

Spain efecto aleatorio
Finland satunnaisvaikutus
Poland efekt losowy

random forest (RF)

an ensemble learning method which constructs a multiple decision trees at training stage

Spain bosques aleatorios
Finland satunnaismetsä
France forêt d'arbres décisionnels

random noise

Spain ruido aleatorio
Finland satunnaiskohina
Poland szum losowy

random selection

Finland satunnaisvalinta


Finland satunnaistus


German zufall
Spain aleatoriedad
Finland satunnaisuus
France hasard


Finland sijavertailu, sijakisa


a measure how many positive classes were correctly predicted

See also: precision, F-score, evaluation metric

Spain exhaustividad
Finland herkkyys, sensitiivisyys, saanti

receptive field

Finland reseptiivinen kenttä

reciever operating characteristic curve (ROC curve)

a curve of true positive rate versus false positive rate at different classification thresholds

Finland erottelukykykäyrä, toimintaominaiskäyrä, ROC-käyrä


Spain reconocimiento
Finland tunnistaminen


Finland tietue, kirjaus, merkintä, tallenne

recurrent neural network (RNN)

a neural network to model sequential interactions through a hidden stage or memory

See also: neural network, deep neural network

German rekurrentes neuronales netz
Spain redes neuronales recurrentes
Finland uusiutuva neuroverkko, toistuva neuroverkko
France réseau de neurones récurrents

recursive quantitative analysis

reference data

Finland viitetieto

reference label


Finland regressio

regression analysis

German regressionsanalyse
Spain análisis de regresión
Finland regressioanalyysi
Poland analiza regresji


in machine learning, penalizes a model's compelixity in order to prevent overfitting

Spain regularización
Finland regularisointi
France régularisation
Poland regularyzacja

reinforcement learning

machine learning technique to focusing on peformance, finding a balance between exploration of new knowledge and exploitation of current knowledge

German bestärkendes lernen
Spain aprendizaje por refuerzo
Finland vahvistusoppiminen, palauteoppiminen
France apprentissage par renforcement


German wiederholpräzision
Finland toistettavuus
France répétabilité


Finland toistettavuus


Spain repositorio
Finland säilö, tietolähde


German reproduzierbarkeit
Finland uusittavuus
France reproductibilité


Spain recuperación
Finland haku


German nachhall
Spain reverberación
Finland jälkikaiku, jälkikaiunta, kaiunta
Poland pogłos

reverberation time (RT)

Finland jälkikauinta-aika


German robotik
Spain robótica
Finland robotiikka
France robotique

robust classification

Spain clasificación robusta
Finland vakaa luokittelu, robusti luokittelu

robust estimator

Finland vakaa estimaattori, robusti estimaattori


Finland vakaus, robustisuus

room acoustics

Finland huoneakustiikka

room response

Finland huonevaste

room simulation

Finland huonesimulaatio

root mean square error (RMSE)

See also: mean square error

German wurzel der mittleren quadratischen abweichung, wurzel des mittleren quadratischen fehlers, wurzel des mittleren quadratischen gesamt-fehlers
Spain error cuadrático medio, desviación cuadrática media, desviación standard, desviación típica, desviación estándar,
Finland jäännösvirhehajonta, keskineliövirheen neliöjuuri
France écart quadratique moyen, écart type, déviation typique, écart-étalon, erreur quadratique moyenne, erreur en moyenne quadratique


Finland karheus



Finland keskeisyys


Finland keskeinen


Finland otos, näyte

sample space

Finland otosavaruus

sampling frequency

See also: sampling rate

Spain frecuencia de muestreo
Finland näytetaajuus, näytteenottotaajuus
Poland częstotliwość próbkowania

sampling rate

See also: sampling frequency

Spain tasa de muestreo
Finland näytenopeus, näytetaajuus


German skalierbarkeit
Spain escalabilidad
Finland skaalautuvuus
France extensibilité

search algorithm

German suchverfahren
Spain algoritmo de búsqueda
Finland hakualgoritmi
France algorithme de recherche

segment-based metric

See also: evaluation metric

Finland segmenttipohjainen metriikka


Spain segmentación
Finland segmentointi
Poland segmentacja


See also: attention mechanism

Finland itseistarkkaavaisuus

self-organizing map (SOM)

artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional discretized representation of the input space

German selbstorganisierende karte
Spain mapa autoorganizado
Finland itseorganisoituva kartta
France carte auto adaptative
Poland sieć samoorganizująca się, sieć Kohonena

self-supervised learning (SSL)

German selbstüberwachtes lernen
Spain Aprendizaje autosupervisado
Finland itseohjautuva oppiminen
France Apprentissage auto-supervisé

semantic information

Finland semanttinen tieto

semi-supervised learning

machine learning technique to use small amount of labeled data and large amount of unlabeled data in the learning stage

Spain aprendizaje semisupervisado
Finland puoliohjattu oppiminen
France apprentissage semi-supervisé


See also: evaluation metric

Spain sensibilidad
Finland herkkyys, sensitiivisyys


Spain sensor
Finland anturi, ilmaisin, sensori

sensor node

See also: sensor

Spain Nodo sensor
Finland anturisolmu

sequential analysis

Finland peräkkäisanalyysi


short-time Fourier transform (STFT)

German kurzzeit-Fourier-transformation
Spain transformada corta de Fourier
Finland lyhytaikainen Fourier-muunnos
France transformée de Fourier à court terme

signal modeling

Spain modelado de señal
Finland signaalin mallinnus

signal processing

German signalverarbeitung
Spain procesamiento de señales, procesado de señal
Finland signaalinkäsittely
France traitement du signal
Poland przetwarzanie sygnałów

signal-to-interference ratio (SIR)

Finland signaali-häiriösuhde
France rapport signal sur interférence

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

German signal-rausch-verhältnis
Spain relación señal/ruido
Finland signaali-kohinasuhde, häiriöetäisyys
Poland stosunek sygnału do szumu


Finland merkitsevyys

significance level

Spain valor significativo
Finland merkitsevyystaso
Poland poziom istotności

significance level, level of significance

Finland merkitsevyystaso


German ähnlichkeit
Spain semejanza, similtud
Finland samanlaisuus, samankaltaisuus, yhtäläisyys
France ressemblance, similarité, similtude
Poland podobieństwo

similarity matrix

Finland samanlaisuusmatriisi

similarity measure

a measure to determine how similar two examples are

See also: similarity

Spain medida de similitud
Finland samankaltaisuusmitta
Poland miara podobieństwa


See also: multichannel

single-label classification

classification type where single class label may be assigned to each instance

See also: binary classification, multi-label classification

sinusoidal modeling

situational awareness (SA)

the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their future status

German situationsbewusstsein
Spain consciencia situacional
Finland tilannetietoisuus, tilannekuva


German glättung
Spain suavizar, suavización, suavizamiento, ajustamiento
Finland tasoittaminen, silotus, tasoitus, silottaminen
France lissage, ajustement, graduation


German sonifikation
Finland äännellistäminen
France sonification
Poland sonifikacja

sound event

Spain evento sonoro
Finland äänitapahtuma
Poland zdarzenie akustyczne

sound event detection (SED)

See also: sound event

Spain detección de eventos sonoros
Finland äänitapahtuman havaitseminen, äänitapahtuman tunnistus

sound event instance

See also: sound event

Finland äänitapahtumainstanssi

sound event localization and detection (SELD)

Finland äänitapahtuminen paikallistaminen ja tunnistaminen

sound pressure

German schalldruckpegel
Spain presión sonora
Finland äänenpaine, äänipaine
France pression acoustique
Poland ciśnienie akustyczne

sound pressure level (SPL)

See also: sound pressure

Spain nivel de presión sonora
Finland äänenpainetaso, äänipainetaso

sound quality

Spain calidad de sonido
Finland äänenlaatu
Poland jakość dźwięku

sound scene synthesis

Finland äänimaiseman synteesi

sound source

Finland äänilähde

sound source distance estimation


Spain paisaje sonoro
Finland äänimaisema

source distance estimation (SDE)

Finland lähteen etäisyyden estimointi

source proximity

Spain proximidad de fuentes
Finland äänilähteen läheisyys

source separation

sparse matrix

matrix which has elements predominantly zero

German dünnbesetzte Matrix
Spain matriz dispersa
Finland harva matriisi
France matrice creuse
Poland macierz rzadka


number of zero elements a matrix divided by the total number of elements

speaker diarisation

Process of spliting audio signal in to segments accroding to the speakers

Finland puheen diarisointi


See also: evaluation metric

Finland tarkkuus, spesifisyys

spectral analysis

Finland spektrianalyysi

spectral centroid

Spain centroide espectral
Finland spektrin keskipiste

spectral clustering

grouping related examples together using the eigenvalues of similarity matrix

Spain Agrupamiento espectral
France Partitionnement spectral

spectral envelope

Spain envolvente espectral
Poland obwiednia widmowa

spectral flatness

spectral flux

Spain flujo espectral
Finland spektrin vuo

spectral moments

spectral roll-off

Finland spektrin rajataajuus, spektrin vinous

spectral slope

Finland spektrin kaltevuus, spektrin kulmakerroin


German spektrogramm
Spain espectrograma
Finland spektrogrammi
France spectrogramme
Poland spektrogram


German spektrum
Spain espectro
Finland spektri
France spectre
Poland widmo, spektrum

speech analysis

Finland puheanalyysi
Poland analiza mowy

speech enhancement

improvement of speech quality by using various algorithms

Finland puheen ehostus

speech processing

Spain procesamiento del lenguaje
Finland puheteknologia

speech recognition

German spracherkennung
Spain reconocimiento del habla
Finland puheentunnistus
France reconnaissance automatique de la parole
Poland rozpoznawanie mowy

speech segmentation

Spain segmentación del habla
Finland puheen segmentointi
Poland segmentacja mowy

speech separation

spoken language understanding (SLU)

Extraction of the meaning out of the speech by using automatic speech recognition and natural language understanding.

Finland puhutun kielen ymmärtäminen

standard deviation

Finland keskihajonta, standardipoikkeama
Poland odchylenie standardowe


Finland tunnusluku, havaintosuure


Finland tilastollinen, tilastotieteellinen

statistical model

German statistisches modell
Spain modelo probabilístico
Finland tilastollinen malli
France modèle statistique
Poland model statystyczny

statistical significance

German statistische signifikanz
Spain significación estadística
Finland tilastollinen merkitsevyys
France signification statistique


Finland tilasto, tilastotiede


Finland stokastinen, satunnainen

stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Spain descenso de gradiente estocástico
Finland stokastinen gradienttimenetelmä
France algorithme du gradient stochastique

stochastic model

Finland todennäköisyysmalli, stokastinen malli

stopping rule

Finland pysäytyssääntö


German stratifikation
Finland ositus

stratified sampling

German geschichtete zufallsstichprobe
Spain muestreo estratificado
Finland ositettu otanta
France échantillonnage stratifié


in convolution or pooling, the delta on horizontal or vertical dimension of the next input slice

strong annotation

strong artificial intelligence (Strong AI)

strong label


Finland tutkimus

subband power distribution (SPD)

subsampling layer

Finland alinäytteistyskerros

supervised learning

learning method which learns from labeled examples

See also: unsupervised learning

German überwachtes lernen
Spain aprendizaje supervisado
Finland ohjattu oppiminen
France apprentissage supervisé
Poland uczenie pod nadzorem, uczenie nadzorowane

support vector machine (SVM)

Spain máquinas de vectores de soporte
Finland tukivektorikone
France machine à vecteurs de support


Finland luotaus, kartoitus, kyselytutkimus


Spain sistema
Finland järjestelmä

system development

Finland järjestelmäkehitys, järjestelmän kehitys


t-distributed stochastic neighborhood embedding (t-SNE)

Finland t-ympäristöupotus, t-jakaumaan perustuva stokastinen naapurustoupotus, t-naapurustoupotus


Spain etiqueta
Finland tunniste, avainsana, tagi, tarra


a classification in a hierarchical system

German taxonomie
Spain taxonomía
Finland taksonomia, luokittelu
France taxonomie

temporal integration

Finland ajallinen integraatio


German tensor
Spain tensor
Finland tensori
France tenseur

test example

Finland testiesimerkki

test set

subset of data used to test the system, disjunct from the training set

See also: training set, validation set

Finland testiaineisto, testausjoukko, testijoukko

testing data

See also: test set

textual label


Finland tekstuuri

threshold value

Finland kynnysarvo


German klangfarbe
Spain timbre
Finland äänenväri, sointiväri
France timbre


Finland aikariippuva

time domain

German zeitbereich
Spain el dominio del tiempo, dominio temporal
Finland aika-alue
France dans le domaine temporel

time domain envelope

Spain envolvente en el dominio temporal
Poland obwiednia w dziedzinie czasu

time-frequency distribution

Finland aika-taajuusjakauma

time-frequency representation

Finland aika-taajuusesitys
Poland reprezentacja czasowo-częstotliwościowa

time stretching

changing the duration of an audio singal without affecting its pitch

See also: pitch shifting


German zeitstempel
Spain marca temporal
Finland aikaleima
France horodatage


Finland toleranssi


a process of determining the optimal parameters of the model

Spain entrenamiento
Finland opetus

training data

See also: training set

Spain datos de entrenamiento
Finland opetusaineisto, opetusdata, koulutusdata

training example

Finland opetusesimerkki

training set

subset of data used to train the system, disjunct from the test set

See also: test set, validation set

Finland opetusjoukko, opetusaineisto

transfer function

German übertragungsfunktion
Spain función de transferencia
Finland siirtofunktio
France fonction de transfert

transfer learning

a research problem focusing on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to a different problem

Spain aprendizaje por transferencia
Finland siirto-oppiminen, siirretty oppiminen
France apprentissage par transfert


Finland muunnos


deep learning model that is utilizing self-attention mechanism to solve sequence-to-sequence task.

Spain transformador
France transformeur


Finland transientti

transition probability

Finland siirtymätodennäköisyys


an ordered sequence of three items

See also: N-gram

France trigramme

true negative (TN)

an example correctly predicted as negative class

Spain verdadero negativo
Finland oikea negatiivinen

true negative rate (TNR)

Finland oikeiden negatiivisten osuus

true positive (TP)

an example correctly predicted as positive class

Spain verdadero positivo
Finland oikea positiivinen

true positive rate (TPR)

Finland oikeiden positiivisten osuus


unbalanced data

Finland epätasapainoinen aineisto


Finland harhaton


German unsicherheit
Spain incertidumbre
Finland epävarmuus


Finland korreloimaton


a model with low predictive ability because it does not model the training data well nor it does generalize to new data

See also: overfitting

Finland alisovittaminen, vajaasovitus

uniform distribution

Finland tasajakauma

unlabeled data

Finland nimiöimätön data

unsupervised learning

machine learning technique to learn from unlabeled data

See also: supervised learning

German unüberwachtes lernen
Spain aprendizaje no supervisado
Finland ohjaamaton oppiminen
France apprentissage non supervisé



Spain validación
Finland validointi

validation data

Finland validointiaineisto, vahvistusaineisto

validation example

Finland vahvistusesimerkki

validation set

subset of data used to adjust hyperparameters, disjunct from the training set and test set

See also: training set, test set

Finland validointijoukko, validointiaineisto, vahvistusaineisto


Finland vaihtelu


Finland muuttuja

visualisation, visualization

Finland visualisointi

vocalization, vocalisation



German waveform
Finland aaltomuoto


German wavelets
Finland aallokkeet
France ondelettes

weak annotation

See also: annotation

weak artificial intelligence (Weak AI)

Spain inteligencia artificial débil
Finland heikko AI, suppea tekoäly, kapea tekoäly, sovellettu tekoäly
France intelligence artificielle faible

weak supervision

learning approach where noisy, limited or imprecise data is used to supervise the labelling process of larger training data to be used in supervised learning setting

See also: supervised learning, unsupervised learning

weakly labeled


Spain banda ancha
Finland laajakaistainen, laajakaista-

wildlife monitoring

Finland villieläinten seuranta, luonnon seuranta


See also: windowing function

Spain enventanado
Finland ikkunointi

windowing function

function that is zero-valued outside of some chosen interval

See also: windowing

German fensterfunktion
Spain ventana
Finland ikkunointifunktio
France fenêtrage

word embedding

mapping word or phrase from the vocabulary into vector of real numbers

See also: embeddings

Finland sanojen upotus

word error rate (WER)

Finland sanavirhe

word sense disambiguation

identifying which sense of a word is used in a sentence, when the word has multiple meanings

German disambiguierung
Spain desambiguación lingüística
Finland sananmerkitysten yksikäsitteistäminen
France désambiguïsation lexicale


Finland sanaverkko, wordnet


zero crossing rate (ZCR)

Finland nollanylitystaajuus, nollanylitystiheys

zero-shot learning (ZSL)

Finland näytteetön oppiminen